AMC blog with many topics on all things cooking
AMC blog with many topics on all things cooking

AMC Blog

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Atualmente, apenas as publicações do blogue estão disponíveis em inglês.

Easy gluten free – Eating without gluten

No grain, no pain – the gluten-free boom continues. You can now order gluten-free dishes in any restaurant. But what is gluten and what do people with gluten intolerance have to watch out for in their diet? Our latest blog article shows you which foods are suitable for a gluten-free diet and how to create delicious gluten-free recipes with AMC!

What does Smart Cooking really mean? Five truths that Europeans have in common

Can a smart and technologically innovative cooking be at the same time healthy and tasty? The answer is yes, thanks to the new AMC Smart Cooking System, a trusted ally for finding the right balance in the kitchen. And, according to our international research conducted across 3 key markets (Spain, Italy and Germany), Europeans have confirmed that cooking is really smart if it involves both technological innovations and the pleasure of enjoying flavors at their highest culinary expression. Let's discover together the 5 truths that Europeans have in common.

Colorful summer soups – here are some light and refreshing recipes to spoon out

Soups during the summer? That’s right! Whether served hot or cold, even on summer days soups are a real treat. In this blog post we’ll reveal why you should not only eat soups during the cold winter, but also in warmer temperatures. Our delicious and healthy summer soups serve up the right type of refreshment for your summer!

Spice it up! How to make your barbecue a hit with our recipes

It’s summertime, the sun’s out, the vibe is positive: it’s finally the perfect time for a cosy barbecue! So what do you need to consider when planning a barbecue? In this blog post, we’ll tell you how to create the right dishes with the right seasoning for a great barbecue that will impress your guests. Plan your next barbecue now to get plenty of barbecue lovers excited about what’s to come!

The bowl – an explosion of taste with every meal of the day

The diversity of food bowls is quite impressive. These popular bowls are suitable for every meal of the day and offer numerous delicious recipe ideas. There is guaranteed to be something for everyone! In this blog post, we'll introduce you to great variations of healthy bowl dishes and tell you why bowls are so popular. We also have for you delicious and easy recipe suggestions for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Small changes, big impact – cooking for and with kids

Who has not heard their kids say at least once “Mummy, I'm not eating this”? Especially when it comes to eating vegetables, children often flatly refuse to eat them, squeeze in just a few bites, or do not even want to try what they see on the plate. Arguments such as “But it is good for you!” are not convincing enough for kids to give the meal another chance.