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Product Overview

Our Premium Cooking System consists of various AMC products that you can reach for throughout the entire cooking process. In our product overview you will find a wide selection of high-quality pots, pans and cooking accessories of varying sizes, volumes and textures. Whether for single households, large families, amateur cooks or gourmet chefs: Our various products always offer the right solution for every cooking requirement.Our AMC Premium Cooking System consists of various products that accompany you throughout the entire cooking process.


Use our product overview to discover all the AMC products for smart, fast and easy cooking and learn how use them to prepare even healthier and tastier dishes!

What advantages does the AMC cooking system offer you?

The smart AMC cooking system is based on a closed water circuit in pots and pans. Thanks to unique technologies, it offers you optimal temperature and time control for time- and energy-saving cooking, nutritious and healthy enjoyment and, above all, delicious dishes.


The AMC cooking system is not only particularly high-quality and efficient, it also opens up completely new possibilities for you - whether for everyday meals or a gourmet menu for a special occasion. But the AMC cooking system should definitely be one thing for you: Inspiration and the best support for your projects in the kitchen.


In addition to the right cooking system, different ingredients also require the right cooking method. This way, dishes are not only safe, but also child's play.

Roasting with no added fat

This cooking method is particularly well suited to roasting various kinds of meat, but also for thin flatbreads or vegetables. This method allows meat to be roasted and turned at the optimal roasting temperature and at the perfect moment. And all without adding any fat.


Advantage: You can avoid overheating fats and reduce the formation of harmful substances.

Cooking with no added water

This cooking method is particularly well suited to cooking various vegetables and potatoes. This method involves gently cooking ingredients (mainly vegetables or fruits) in their own liquid and condensation only, at a temperature of around 80 – 98 °C.


Advantage: This gentle preparation technique retains delicate vitamins, minerals and bioactive plant substances, allowing them to reach their full potential.

Steaming with EasyQuick

This cooking method is particularly well suited to steaming fish dishes, vegetables, dumplings and much more. Any dish that works well in a steamer is also suitable for steaming with the EasyQuick. This method gently cooks the food over steam, at 97 – 99 °C.


Advantage: Uses less energy and also heats up more quickly than conventional steamers, as the cooking area is much smaller

Soft and Turbo quick cooking with Secuquick softline

This cooking method is particularly well suited to dishes that need to be cooked for a long time, such as braised meat, stews, broths, legumes and frozen vegetables, as well as pasta and risotto. This method cooks the ingredients at temperatures of over 100 °C.


Advantage: The higher temperature makes preparation faster than with conventional methods.

Baking and gratinating with Navigenio

This cooking method is particularly well suited to baking pizzas, cakes and breads, as well as for gratinating vegetables or casseroles. The gratinating function can even be used to prepare meat dishes with crusts.


Advantage: Baking and gratinating with Navigenio is practical, easy to handle and above all energy-efficient.

Open Roasting

This cooking method is particularly well suited for quick meals and snacks with short roasting times, such as egg dishes or flatbread. With this method, the perfect roasting temperature is controlled not with the Visiotherm, but rather with the addition of a droplet of water. Here, again, once the perfect roasting temperature has been reached, the dish is easy to prepare. Roasting usually takes so little time that you can “eyeball” the turning point.


Advantage: Easy, uncomplicated way to prepare food


This cooking method is particularly well suited for deep-frying/baking classic deep-fried dishes such as French fries, chicken nuggets or sweet yeasted doughnuts. With this method, the temperature of the frying oil is controlled with the Visiotherm. This ensures that the optimal starting temperature for frying will be reached.


Advantage: Thanks to the temperature control, the oil will not overheat. This means that no harmful acrylamide or acrolein will be produced.

60 ° function

This cooking method is particularly suitable for warming up, but also for hot-smoking food or sous-vide cooking at 60 °C. This method only works if Navigenio and Audiotherm are used together. Here, the inside of the pot is slowly heated to 60 °C and the temperature is kept stable.


Advantage: Gentle heating/warming up of food

Would you like to experience our products live and in action? Book your non-binding AMC Cooking Show now!