AMC Blog
Like Jack and Jill, every pot will find its lid! In our latest blog post, we will show you why you should purchase the new AMC glass lids to complement your pots and pans. What benefits do glass lids offer? Let us tell you about it!
29. April 2022
Full steam ahead! To find out why it’s worthwhile steaming your food more frequently, read on in our latest blog post. You’ll also learn why the EasyQuick from AMC is the perfect steamer and pick up some direct inspiration from our delicious AMC recipes!
11. February 2022
For more than a year now, we have been spending not only our free time but often also our working time at home more and more often. Working in a home office has become the new normal for many and will possibly shape the working day of many for a longer period of time. In a small home office challenge, Melissa (our AMC blog editor) tried to cook fresh and healthy meals in a short time and with little effort while working in her home office. Follow her through her working day and find out how she did in the Home Office Challenge.
01. June 2021
We’ve all been there: Full after having eaten lunch or dinner, all you want to do is shift directly from the dining table to the couch so that you can kick back and watch a movie or take a nap. If only it weren’t for the darn dishwashing that still needs to be done! Dirty pots and pans are piled on top of each other and you don’t even want to think about the burnt-in bits! Don't worry! If you pay attention to just a few things, you’ll manage to get it all under control! While we can’t make this task a thing of the past for you, our tips and tricks will help you breeze through doing the dishes—all while requiring even less time, water, and energy.
14. October 2020