AMC Blog
The winter is coming, and the energy crisis is all over the news – but with AMC resource-conscious technology you can be sure to keep on following the energy-friendly lifestyles. Good for the nature, fit for the smarter, more responsible resource usage, and even advantageous for your wallet. Read our full article to find out how we make it possible!
01. December 2022
Love food, hate food waste: In our latest article, we’ll reveal why you should be more concerned about food waste in your everyday life and reveal practical tips on how to sustainably combat it. You’ll be amazed at the delicious dishes that can be created from leftovers. Discover our recipe ideas now!
19. August 2022
To make our own kitchens as sustainable as possible has become a necessity. Clearly, these days, a sustainable lifestyle is highly sought after. The direction of this trend can also be seen in the latest food trends. At AMC, this is also a major concern, and we are being challenged to be more sustainable than ever. Find out now why sustainability is an important aspect.
27. May 2022
Shopping, cooking, and eating as much and as cheaply as possible – all without caring much about the environment and sustainability? That was yesterday. Today, more than ever, we are called upon to take a sustainable approach to how we think and behave. Sustainability is also a major topic of concern for us. In this article, we would therefore like to point out how easy it is to shop, cook, and eat in a more environmentally friendly manner – all while saving time and money.
09. July 2020