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USP 2 Text
Over the past 60 years, AMC has earned a top position in the market thanks to its temperature and time-controlled cooking solutions, combined with innovative cooking methods, durability, energy efficiency and variety, product-specific recipe developments and smart solutions.
Be cordially invited look back on AMC‘s history, discover our innovations and be inspired on how you cook today.
Eating better, then and now
Everything begins with a good idea: Andrew W. Garfield and Georg Timmermann first produced stainless steel cooking pots in 1963 and sold them in Germany under the name „AMC“. The high-quality, robust and tasteless material is now common in all kitchens, but at the time was a real innovation.
First AMC M25 series - a total success
The first AMC M25 series proved to be a total success thanks to the innovative stainless steel material and the unique cooking methods „cooking with no added water“ and „roasting with no added fat“. This was the birth of AMC International Alfa Metalcraft Corp. AG in Switzerland and further expansion in Europe.
Bei AMC bieten wir Menschen seit 60 Jahren einen gesunden und genussvollen Zugang zum Kochen und zur Ernährung. Unsere Produkte verkörpern unsere Philosophie: Besser essen. Besser leben. Das ist unser Erfolgsrezept.
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