Experience & Buy

The AMC Institute is our center of expertise for nutrition, recipe creation, product development and cooking training.


Our team of nutritional experts and professional chefs work tirelessly to come up with delicious, creative recipes that can be made quickly and easily using our products.

Passion and science – a winning combination

The AMC Institute and R&D department work hand in hand to refine our products for your convenience. At the AMC Institute, our experts adopt the latest scientific knowledge when developing products. At all stages, whether prototype testing, carrying out advanced ergonomic tests or improving current models, we constantly strive to produce the best possible products that meet our customers’ expectations.


For more than 55 years, we have subjected our cooking methods to rigorous scientific testing to ensure their quality. To do this, we have worked closely with a number of reputable institutions:

All Institutions
  • Institute for Nutrition Research, Rüschlikon, CH, Prof. J. C. Somogy, Dr. P.M. Kopp, 1966 + 1978
  • Technical University of Munich, Prof. H. Pichert, 1991
  • University of Vienna, Prof. I. Elmadfa, Dr. B. Isnardy, Mag. A. Hertel, R. Kurz, R. Bottig, 2008
  • HES-SO Valais, Prof. W. Andlauer, 2009
  • University of Koblenz-Landau, Dr. M. Schlich, 2009
  • University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Prof. M. Busch-Stockfisch, K. Schröder, 2008
  • Justus Liebig University Giessen, Prof. E. Schlich, 2014
  • University of Vienna, Prof. K.H. Wagner, 2016
  • University of Vienna, Prof. K.H. Wagner, Dr. S. Kanzler, 2017